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2023 IRP Stakeholder Process

Explanation of 2023 stakeholder process

To provide interested parties an opportunity to engage in the development of the 2023 IRP and to meet the statutory requirements outlined in S.C. Code Ann. §58-37-40(A)(3), Santee Cooper initiated a stakeholder process that began in the first quarter of 2022, and continued the process through 2023, up to the finalization and filing of the IRP. 

Below are materials from the five public meetings, reports shared during the stakeholder process, and a link to the stakeholder Forum and data share site. 

Public Meeting Presentations & Materials

The primary form of engagement for the 2023 IRP Stakeholder process was through five public meetings, held virtually.  The meetings were facilitated by a third party, Vanry Associates, which has substantial experience managing stakeholder processes in the energy sector.  See below for materials for each meeting including the presentation, video recording, question and answer log, and meeting summary. 

Technical Meetings

In response to requests for technical sessions from stakeholders, Santee Cooper held meetings with several different groups covering topics requested by each stakeholder group. A summary of the meetings is below, including topics discussed and any decisions made relevant to the IRP analysis.

Technical Meetings Summary

IRP Reports and Materials Shared during the Stakeholder Process

In response to stakeholder requests for information, Santee Cooper shared several reports prior to filing the IRP. See below for links to individual reports. 

Santee Cooper Reserve Margin & ELCC Study Report
Santee Cooper 2022 EE MPS Residential Commercial Measures
Santee Cooper Solar Integration Study Report
Santee Cooper EE MPS Report
Santee Cooper DR MPS Report
Stakeholder Update - Renewable Resource Options and Resource Portfolios

2023 Stakeholder Input and Feedback Forum

To enable and increase engagement outside of formal stakeholder meetings, Santee Cooper created a Forum which went live in mid-2022 and allowed stakeholders the ability to post questions or feedback for Santee Cooper to consider in the development of the 2023 IRP. Usage of the Forum was robust, with engagement from a variety of stakeholders. Santee Cooper evaluated each suggestion and piece of feedback and promptly posted responses. Click below to visit the Forum web page.

Visit the 2023 IRP Forum