Solar Customers
In the 2015 Electric Rate Study, Santee Cooper created a new rider for all retail customers who opt to install distributed generation. The Distributed Generation Rider (DG) applies to both residential and non-residential retail customers. Installed systems are capped in size at 20 kW for residential customers, 1,000 kW for commercial customers, or the estimated maximum monthly kW demand of the customer, and the former total system cap on distributed generation of 2% of total distribution class demand has been removed. As part of this rate study, Santee Cooper is offering a similar rider to industrial customers as well, with installed systems limited to 2,000 kW.
For residential customers, the DG Rider will include a modified customer charge. For both residential and commercial customers, the metering fee and standby fee will be eliminated. We also are proposing to remove the seasonality component of the energy credit. For industrial customers, the energy credit will be based on hourly system marginal energy pricing.